80's Movie Villain Cocktail Party

Here's a piece I did for the "Hey You Guys! Charity event December 5th at the Rialto Theater in Pasadena. Josh Pruett, (a killer story artist at DreamWorks) is putting the event together and it looks like it's going to be awesome. The theme is movies that inspired you as a kid, and they'll be screening a print of Ghostbusters! The art will all be auctioned off for Donors Choose.org This will go towards supplying needy classrooms with art supplies. You can go to the official site by clicking the link below. There will also be an opportunity to bid online if you can't make it to the event.
Man...I recognize MOST of these! I almost wanna say the 4th from the right is Biff from Back to the Future but I am not 100% because is so vague in my head. And I love the inclusion of the Karate Kid villain. This is rockin' oldschool!
I hate to be a fanboy here, but where the hell is Judge Doom?
muito bom cara!
Ben, Great piece man! You're giving me some hard core 80's flashbacks right now. Nicely done, sir!
That is the coolest thing ever.
Wow...you even have Dillinger from Tron in there! Amazing work.
Dude I love these. The Boba Fett one is so awesome. It was so great meeting you at the CTN man. Thanks for the awesome feedback. Peace.
What a great line up!!
these are frikken awesome Ben!
Oh, Man~~This is Awesome!!!Love all those 80's stars :)
These drawings are so much fun! I love the concept. It was so great talking to you about storyboarding and Foster's Home. Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my portfolio, Ben! I am really enjoying Seaweed!
Take care,
super cool
i love it
Thanks everyone!
Nick- yes.
Malcom- Boba Fett didn't invite him.
Manny- My pleasure. Your portfolio was great.
Louise- It was great to meet you, (and your mom) as well.
LOL! This is great!
I love it...i like the gremlin and skeksis
Awesome, like always!! It was great meeting you at the expo!
Hey there Ben, it was nice to finally meet you at the animation expo last week. Your work is amazing!
Haha awesome! Love the karate kid villain!:)
Brilliant work!
oh man. I have officially added this to my "I wish I had drawn this" list. Totally awesome Ben.
your work is so nice!
going to see if i can name them all?
clash of the titans
krate kid
flash gordon
dark crystal
star track
back to the future
indiana jones
yeah buddy, awsome work!
Sorry GooGoo, They were all from Terms of Endearment. jk. you got it!
Excellent,I love your work!!
All the heroes of my childhood !! thanks for this, it's delightfool :)
Wow, this is the most insane thing I have ever seen. The thing that impresses me more the INSANE DESIGNS is the fact that every character reads without a doubt. AWESOME, AMAZING, INCREDIBLE!!!
Amazing. Time to go watch all these movies!
That’s looks so nice your posting.
Everything looks good in your posting.
That will be necessary for all. Thanks for your posting.
I love them all!! I thought the fourth one from the right was Biff. Excellent work!!
really cool! I love it!
Yeah! I knew you'd put a skeksis in there! That's quite the rogues gallery there. Great work.
Ah, Ricardo Montalban, my favorite! OK, Mr. T, my favorite too.
And for a great cause too.
Loving the skeksis!
(I was linked to your blog by a chap from Boulder's.. your work is amazing!)
All my childhood in one draw!!
great characters!
So freaking awesome!!
Ben this is awesome... I want to make a poster out of this.
Ben I love this..... i posted it on my FB page....with credit to you of course!
no new art since nov 2009....thats weak brother....weak!
Throw Khan from the train!
Holy crap! That is the coolest thing ever. Amazing charicatures! And I am a complete retard, I instantly recognized the Cobra Kai actor but couldn't think of what movie he was from. I think that speaks to your skills and for my stupidity.
Any chance i could contact you somehow?
Wanted to ask a couple of things :)
I've looked at this 80's Villains piece several times now I have to say it gets more and more enjoyable on each viewing!
Great work as always Ben!
Holy crap, that's awesome. Your Sark is great! Tron Legacy should be animated.
Amazing. Time to go watch all these movies!
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You...are...a...GENIUS!! This is far and away one of the flat out coolest things I've seen in a long time! This brings back so many memories and I'm quite proud to say that I know them all. Your choices for who to include are fantastic and the caricatures/draftsmanship rock. Excellent work!
nice post
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