Annie Awards

Here's a picture of me, (The studly looking beefcake on the right) with my wife, Becca at the Annie Awards last night. The chap on the left is none other than fellow multi-nominated artist Shannon Tindle.
I lost last year in the Character Design category, and this year in the storyboarding category. It is pretty cool to have been nominated, so I suppose I can't be bitter, especially when all the nominees kick so much artistic ass!
Shannon has been nominated 3 times for his outstanding character design, which I'm sure must be some sort of record. The awards were fun as always. I really geek out at seeing so many animation legends gathered together. If you love animation you should definately attend the event next year!
I also included my self-caricature and bio from the awards program as well as Shannon's which was drawn by Shane Prigmore. This is but a taste of the drawing super power that is Shane Prigmore. I predict that many computers will be destroyed from being covered in drool when Shane finally puts up a blog. Get on it punk! I know your reading this! That goes for you as well Schuler!!! I'll get Ov! to leave a dead horse's head on your Cintiq! Now get Blogging!
You work for Nickelodeon. That is so great! Ever Since I met Bonita Versh in Vancouver. What an incredible women!
Maybe one day Via Freelance!
Hope you had a good time at the Annie Awards. I hope to make it out next year!
Go Pack! Nice headshot drawing....
You ever have Boss' chili from Door County?
Hey blecha!
I have not had that brand, but the next time I'm back home in Wisconsin, I'll be sure to find it. My goal in life is to try every chili ever created. (Except the veggie crap which does not count as chili.) I am a frequent patron of Chili Jons both in Green Bay and it's sister location here in Burbank. I can't imagine chili getting better than that!
Ben! Look at you and your beautiful frail, there! ; ) I just couldn't see springing big bucks for the awards; they look like a blast. Where were the free tickets this year? WB used to throw them at us in fistfuls...nada mas, I guess.
haha, i wish i was there. next year for sure!
Yo Ben,
Just wanted to say your stuff Rocks, man! I think I briefly met you through Shane and Shannon a few years back. Keep up the great artwork!
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