Robert the Blooce

Working on "Foster's" has been going great!! But not so great that I won't take a week off to go to Scotland. I'll be driving around looking at old castles and ruined abbeys as well as staying in Borthwick Castle in the Red room (which is supposed to be haunted!) I'll drink a pint or two for every one of you!! I promise!!
p.s. this drawing was just for fun and wasn't actually work on the show, in case you were wondering.
aww come on, I wanted to see him action! Have fun, I missed Scotland on my trip to Europe this summer. I'll have to go back.
Fantastic Ben! So so charming... Great design, love your stuff. The big trip to Europe has eluded me thus far, but this little Bloo has inspired me to try and get it done... Thank you Bloo!
Have fun man,
Great colors...
very cool
Awesome piece. I really love the design on Foster's. Man, I'd like to get to Scotland someday. Have fun and thanks for sharing this cool image!
very cute, i like him alot.
haha awesome costume
May you survive the Red room and return safely! You've landed a great gig there, working on Foster's! Well done.
This drawing made me smile on a crappy day.
Mmmm vacation is good and yes, please throw down a few pints for me as well. Take care and don't forget your Proton Pack!!!!
haha awesome dude! hows the castle hotel?
U r work is just Amazing.......I love ur stlye of character design.
very Impressive .
Ooooh Bloo loooks soo CUTE as a knight!
Haunted?! Coooooooooooooooolllllll....
Great post!
But what if I think this Bloo is cool and I want to animate him in that outfit? How about we just throw him in an episode?!?! :)
Very funny Ben! Have fun in Scotland.
excellent boards!
Neat stuff Benny. Drop a line, lets get beersh when you get back. I'm still in the LBC yo.
That's adorable. I'm glad you are on that show.
Man, how do you get that beautiful balance between flat/graphic and dimensional/tangible?
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