Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Blowhorn and Bratallica

Here's a couple more characters done way back in 1999 for my comic "Seaweed." Blowhorn was a stuffy English hunter, who was hired to hunt down Seaweed and Poisson but also had to keep on eye on his daughter, Bratallica, whom he had visitation rights for that weekend. Any how the story changed quite a bit during rewrites and in the end these two didn't survive to make it in the final draft.


  1. Oh man..that's a shame because they look amazing. i especially like blowhorn with the thin moustache and monocle. That second page of sketches is stunning. Thanks for sharing these.

  2. Hey Ben,

    Awesome characters, a shame they did'nt make it into the final, but hey, it's a tough business!;)
    I was just reminded yet again of how small this business is, when Mr. Joe Barusso whom I'm working with everyday, glanced at my blog, noticed your name in my links and said.....Heeeey, I know Ben!!! I'm sure he wrote you a mail already, but if not, he told me to give you his regards:)
    Good luck with Fosters, which is still one of my favs on TV.

    Take care,


  3. Amazing Ben... Thank you for sharing those great Designs

  4. impressive work as always.

  5. Hey Ben,

    Awwwesome characters my friend! Do you have a sketchbook? Because if you don't, you definitely should!

  6. Amazing stuff as always, very inspiring.

  7. Daaang! Brilliant work! I love your Blowhorn design. He looks like he's ready to take out that red balloon.

  8. i'm very impress for your work i like your dynamism (sorry for my english i'm french)

  9. Very Nice! Getting a real sense of exploration from these.

  10. These are absolutely fantabulous, so much life and energy w/in a great shape design. Sorry to hear they never made it to the final, but I am sure happy you shared them w/the public...

    Thanx for stopping by my blog,and w/your honorable comments too

  11. These are awesome, too bad they didn't make the final cut. At least we get to see them here though! Your stuff continues to blow me away.

    Thanks for sharing these, also thanks for stopping by my blog!

  12. Awesome rhino's, strong poses and expressions, couldn't help but link you to my blog.

  13. I really like your artwork... it's inspiring... it's very similar to stuffs I've drawn in one of our project in animation...

  14. waow, these rhinos are great. Awsome artwork you've got on this blog. Beautiful!

  15. THOSE shapes are fantastic. Great emotion.

  16. WOW!! WOW!! Great set of character draiwngs!

  17. Damn it Ben! you and your animal cartoon obsession. Too bad you were restricted on expressing that part of your talent on certain project. *wink* Enjoy portland while you can, it is HOT down here in LA. I sweat like there is no tomorrow! and thanks again for sharing your french comix with me. oh sweet french comix...

  18. Hey Ben, your stuff is looking sweet as ever! I'm over here www.tedbramble.com and here http://tedbramble.blogspot.com/ .

    Catch me up on stuff~

    Teddy B

  19. Love it! Bratallica looks awsome!!Crazy little girl!!

  20. dude, thanks for suggestiong Brussli, I'm checking it out online right now. Btw, I still gotta thank you for introducing me to Kiraz. I just ordered two more Kiraz books. Love to show it to you sometime! Adios.

  21. Wicked stuff here man. Blowhorn's roughs are amazing and your inking is unbelievable. I'm gonna go find your comic right now. Cheers,


  22. Hi Ben!

    These are just hilarious!!! I love them both..just awesome characters-you're always so inspiring :)

  23. I've always loved Bratallica. And yes I have a blog now Ben.....shit.

  24. Damn neat...
    Just love bratallica - reminds me of my brattish sis
