Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Darren Webb's gotta blog!

Any of you who are interested in becoming a story artist need to go check out the brilliant work of Darren Webb. D Webb is one of those guys who gets to go on movies at the first stages cause he comes up with great ideas that always fit within and help the theme of the story. He's one of those guys who makes you mad cause he comes up with ideas that you wish you had thought of, and wonder why you didn't. Check out his early work on How to Train Your Dragon and all the great stuff I know he's got comin' up very soon from his work on Guardians! Here's the link to click on:
  • Darren Webb

    1. This is great! Thanks so much for sharing Ben

    2. Anonymous3:54 AM

      How does hair extension works, I want to increase my Hair Length and change Hair style cans It Possible.
