Unleash...THE KRAKEN!

Here's a quick drawing I did this morning on my Cintiq 21UX of the Kraken from "Clash of the Titans." I recently bought this toy off of ebay perfectly mint in the box. It now sits comfortably on my drawing desk. I woke up early this morning to the site of one of my Golden Retrievers, (Beaker) barfing up some poop he had eaten the night before. (The excrement of my other Retriever, Fozzie.) I couldn't exactly fall back asleep after cleaning up re-gergetated dog poop so I decided to draw my Kraken toy.
yeah after a dog barfs up some poop what else can you do but draw. very cool.
The Kraken was/is one of my favourite creatues! That movie was priceless...
nice work, btw.
This post and the last are great..really nice stuff as always.
Poop funny. Drawing good.
I always wanted that toy! I had all the other figures but the Kraken always eluded me. (Sigh) He's awesome- right there with the Rancor.
Going to go eat the rest of my boogers now.
Very nice works !
Oh man! I'm quite sure the Kraken shouldn't make me as excited as it does, but hey, it's the Kraken! Nice work, thanks for sharing it.
Man.. I wanted this soo bad as a kid.. had pegasus.. but This was the one i wanted.. congrats.. and nice drawing..
What about Bu-bo the owl??? Let's see a drawing, man!
Nice work !
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