Some Foster's Work
Here are some held images done for the episode "Make Believe It Or Not". Each of the Foster's characters imagine themselves as something, and a quick still shot was shown on the screen. Craig McCracken wanted them each in a different style from the show.
Manga Wilt as an Evil Robot Overlord, Coco as a T-Rex (Geof Darrow Style), Ed as a Royal baker (Mary Blair Style) This didn't get used and got changed to a Mario Brothers style.), also an image of Goo (Lisa Frank Style) riding Coco. The board for this episode was done by the very talented Kelsey Mann .

That is crazy, I love the robot version at the top.
I like that robot too!
Hey Ben,
Wow, that is cool stuff!!! Great job on the different styles, I'd love to see this episode! Oh yeah, and nice special effects as're pretty good at this drawing thing!
Take care and have a great weekend
Too cool, Fosters is one of my favorite shows. Great designs!
These Are amazing! Who got to colour these? Were they all photoshop? Please keep your designs coming, they are sooper-inspiring!
Hey Ben!
Thank you very much for your response. It’s always a pleasure to share artwork amongst artists and to know their opinions.
In fact, in and you’ll be able to see much more about our projects and portfolio. Each kaboomer’s personal blog is dedicated to our lives, experiences and anecdotes in the comic book industry. We write it more like a diary due to our fans, who enjoy reading about our daily life. Of course, we never leave aside our artistic work. Even though they’re in Spanish, I assure you the most important posts will be translated in English at our official blog.
By the way, we’re organizing a comic convention here in Mexico for next year. In 2003 we did one called UTOPIA, to which artists such as Sergio Aragonés, Dave Thorn, Francois Boucq, Tony Bancroft, Juan Giménez, Mike Kunkel, Carlos Meglia, Stan Sakai and Phil Yeh, amongst others, assisted. We were wondering if you would be interested in coming for next year.
Thank you, again.
Sincerely yours,
Mariana Moreno
love the coco t-rex :)
THese are tooo AWESOME for words!
haha craig has such clever ideas. i love that they are all in differnt styles from the show and i can't wait to see the episode.
awesome work dude!
I haven't been here for a long time, too long. Beautiful work!
Ben, You’re incredible!
This blog should become an Art Book...
Nice work Ben! You're a man of many styles.
these are freakin amazing man. NICE!
Hey! Congrats on the Annie Award nominations!! And thanks again for the nice comments on our blog. Much appreciated. :)
I think the second image, of the explosion and the Coco T-Rex is my favourite in this post.
Congrats on TWO Annie nominations in TWO different categories!
Thanks Everyone!
Yah, getting nominated for the 3rd year in a row is pretty cool and getting nominated for two seperate catagories is a hell of a thrill!
Tedrex: Not sure who ended up coloring them but Martin Ansolabehere is the art director. I honestly don't know if they use Photoshop but I would asume so. I'm working on the show from Portland until I move back to L.A. in a couple months. Then I'll be in house and have more of a clue.
Mariana-I'd love to go to Mexico, just need to finish my book first!
Yeowww! Love it. That last one is terrific! And who doesn't love a mech!
Great design work Ben. I especially like your work on Mildew and Frostbite! Personal faves!
Hi Ben!
That's just great! Thank you very much! We'll keep in touch for next year.
Congratulations for your book!
Sincerely Yours,
Mariana Moreno
Dude these are crazy cool, can't wait to see the actual show when it airs!! Congrats also on the annie nom, well deserved me thinks!!
wow! The last 2 blow me away!
Absolutely stunning work, man!
Oh I love it! That is some super cool drawings and a great showcase of your diversity.
Ben. You rule! Hope all is well.
Great blog! I've just discovered and bookmarked you.
hahahaha. ultra realism and over the top cute designs are hilarious. great post as usual.
Thanks everyone!!
Wow, REAL interesting versions of the characters.
Love this episode!! I always wondered who the artist behind those cool stills was and here you are. Great! Love your work
Damn man, you're really talented! The wilt robot at the top is amazing!
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