Thursday, June 22, 2006

inking continues

After a long period of working on too many freelance jobs I finally returned to inking my fully drawn, 64 page comic, "Seaweed." Here's half of page 13 along with the final blue pencil I inked on. I'll publish all the blue lines and thumbnails/studies in a book after I put out the full color version. Most of my friends who have seen the work would rather see the rough blue version, but I've always deamed of putting out a more professional full color comic, so I want to accomplish that first.


  1. This is awesome and I'm glad to hear that you're planning on a book with the blue lines as well. There's something really tight, solid and very appealing about your blue lines. Don't get me wrong, the ink looks great too and with color, it'll probably be appreciated more by non-artists. Love the characters too. Is there a release date yet?


  2. Sign me up for a copy of both. Great job.

  3. Rough blue-line? Rough? ROFL

  4. I've been waiting for this, can't wait to see it.

  5. Thanks All!

    Hans, I'm planning on it being done by the beginning of next year and in print by Comic Con 2007. (hopefully!)

    Osric, Yah, I suppose I should have called these the "tight" pencils, as there are plenty of rough sketches that go into making the blue lines. I'll post some of those next.

  6. i'm a fan as usual. looking forward to the release!

  7. As always Ben .....Amazing, great job, I hope your going to Comic Con 2006 too, so I can say hi in person.

  8. Gorgeous work! Can't wait to see it all together!

  9. Cool stuff! I'll take both comics!

  10. Both of these look great, that's awesome that you plan on doing two books, one roughs, one more finished. I'd certainly buy both!

    I'm glad I found my way to your blog through Stephen Silver's links. Really fun, inspiring work.

  11. Looking fantastic Ben! You never cease to amaze and delight me upon each visit I make! Great job laying down the inks!

  12. Damn freelance work! I say you quit working for a living altogether, and just draw comics all day. As a matter of fact , don't even wait to publish them, just post all your pages up here! I can't wait 'til summer 2007, dammit!

  13. Awww Mom, not in front of the fella's!

  14. Ben is a mama's boy! Nyaa, nya, nya ,nyaa, nya!

    Oh, and sorry I used the D*** word in my previous comment...I forgot moms read blogs , too.
