Viking Family

Here's some incidental characters from a short I was doing some work for at Disney TV. The project got cancelled last summer, but I thought I'd dig these out and post 'em anyway. I did a ton of designs for this that I'll post some other time. As always click on the image if you want to see it bigger.
That's too bad it was cancelled, it looked like it could have been terribly fun to design.
Looking forward to seeing more of them. Have a great Christmas Mr. Balistreri.
great character designs! really love it! ;)
wow ben, these are great. love the viking dad especially:)
Very nice Ben, your designs always amaze me and inspire. I really like the dad viking too, with his big boss man face. Merry Christmas and happy new year Ben, see ya.
jeesh, these are awesome! I love your attention to detail, great designs!
Oh man, shame the show got canned - sweet designs. Kind of a retro style with a bit of Asterix in there. Gorgeous work as usual.
sooooo friggin cool!!!
, I only come here to gaze and fear. I love the little girl with the little unicorn horn. You are insanely good Ben.
Dang, man. It's guys like you that make the rest of us insecure. Great stuff.
Awesome designs Ben! I love the little kid and the big guy's braided moustache.
Love these characters. I wish I had a beard like the Father Viking...that would be great!
Great WORK '' and funny
I like very much the hand of the first man**
hahah, awesome, awesome, awesome!!! love it man.
these are like sweet candycorn on halloween.
you're a beast. hey, DVD today?
such great designs!!
These are awesome! Are you working all on the cintiq these days?
Dude..... just came across you blog, great stuff man - consider yourself bookmarked
Fuckin' Awesome man. real good. Great little character touches in the details. Love the change up on the hands too.
Impressive as always,
I love these dude! Happy Holidays! don't blow away in Oregon!
Great Stuff Ben, Happy Holidays!
Great Designs! I really like your blog *bookmarked*
Incredible designs!!
They are very funny. I've added you to my links if you don't mind.
Hi Ben!!;)
Great stuff in your blog!!
this illutartin is amazing!!
great colors!!
...and happy new year....
I wish more cartoons looked like this. Great work man!
Oye! Love that little girl on the yak. Devine!! Seh needs her own show.
Happy New Year!
awesome designs!!!!!
That is seriously cool! It's a definite tragedy not to see these on TV.
Cancelled? Ohhh... i would've loved to see this in action they truly look like they had potential.
BTW, I heard about the Annie Awards and that your DP designs/storyboards got nominated! Kudos to you Mr. Balistreri! You SO deserve it! Wish you luck1
Happy belated Christmas and New Year x3
This is great!!!
Awesome work man! Love all ur posts! Can't wait for more!!:OP
Sharp sense of drawing!
This viking family is definitely one of my favorites...can't get much better than that!
this is so great. very cool designs man.
These are awesome designs!!! Nice blog and great work!!!
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